Vision of Catholic Education
True education has always rested on two presuppositions. The first is that truth is desirable for its own sake. It is good not for what it does, but for what it is. The second is that knowledge consists not in bending the truth to ourselves, but in conforming ourselves to truth. We can only conform ourselves to truth by freely embracing and loving it, and we can only love truth if we are enticed by its beauty. Love of beauty, therefore, has always been integral to the discovery of truth. True education has always sought to form the heart and mind, reason and will, desire and knowledge. In short, education forms the whole person in light of truth, beauty, and goodness.
Campion Hall seeks to educate children in the truest and fullest sense by giving them the necessary tools of learning, and by fostering wonder and love for all that is genuinely true, good, and beautiful. We seek to incorporate our students into the wisdom of two thousand years of Catholic thought, history, culture, and art so that they might understand themselves and their world in the light of the truth and acquire the character to live happy and integrated lives in the service of God and others. Education in this deep and comprehensive sense extends beyond the classroom and is more than just the acquisition of skills. It encompasses the whole of one’s life. For this reason, Campion Hall seeks to partner with families in the education of their children and their formation in the Catholic way of life.